Friday, April 6, 2018

As the weather starts taking a change for the better (yay, sun!) its important to prepare yourself for the hotter temperatures. Fun in the sun can turn not-so-fun if heat leaves you or your little one dehydrated. Whether your climate is hot year-round or it only hits high temperatures in the summer, heat can lead to perspiration, and perspiration can cause dehydration—which may make you or your little one feel worse.

Dehydration often occurs in hot weather because the hotter you or your little one’s body temperature becomes, the more you perspire or sweat. Sweat is our body’s natural cooling mechanism, but if you sweat a lot, you can lose enough fluids and electrolytes to leave you dehydrated. So if you or your little one is feeling tired, headachy, or experiencing other symptoms of dehydration, Abbott recommends you rehydrate with some Pedialyte.

It’s really important to keep yourself and your kids hydrated in the heat because dehydration can contribute to a more serious condition—heat exhaustion.

Common Heat Exhaustion Symptoms:
· Rapid pulse

· Muscle or stomach cramps

· Excessive sweating

· Weakness and fatigue

· Clammy and pale skin

· Nausea or vomiting

· Fainting

Make sure to get to a cooler location, rest, and rehydrate if you or your little one start to experience any of these symptoms. Left untreated, heat exhaustion can become heat stroke—a much more serious condition that may require hospitalization…(© Abbott Laboratories, 2017)

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